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Current COVID-19 Practices

Covid-19, RSV and Flu are on the rise


The current CDC guidelines recommend that folks wear a mask at indoor gatherings if you are at high risk of illness or are protecting a loved one who is. Stay home if you are feeling unwell and consider taking a covid at-home test.

COVID-19 Practices

Join us for Christmas Eve!

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Our 9 am service is a traditional worship service featuring music from the hymnal and the prayers we all know and love. Our 11 am service is a contemporary worship service featuring contemporary Christian music along with alternative liturgical prayers.

When a month has five Sundays, we combine features of our traditional and contemporary services and worship together at 10 am.


The Faith Formation Ministry Team received a donation of wonderful handsewn bags for use as worship bag of children during services. We have filled the bags with coloring books, crayons, small plastic animals, small board books, and other things to keep little hands busy during worship.


Children are invited to pick one up before service from the worship bag tree and return it afterwards. The children’s table is always ready with new coloring pages and craft activities. A big thanks to Jean Kiser for keeping the table and bags ready for children who are in worship!


Marked as a child of God.


Music Ministries

Both services provide music for each style, and some songs are sung at both services. Current music groups include a bell choir (Jubilate), a small choir (Sanctuary Band), and praise singers.



All are invited at the table of the Lord.

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Sunday School

We offer Sunday School for children ages 5-11 during the 11:00 am service throughout the school year.

Sunday School
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